We work with you to unlock the potential in your most valuable resource - your people.

We guide clients to establish the right solutions, and to identify the necessary steps to empower themselves to meet their potential. Together we ensure that people, their relationships and the organisation that they are a part of are all aligned.

When you work with us, we will collaborate with you to create a deeper understanding of the dynamics that influence your progress. We will equip you and your teams with the resources to simplify the complexities that have appeared in your businesses or relationships. By understanding how the whole team is working and interacting, we can deliver whole system, sustainable solutions which powerfully support improvements and success.

We transform tension and inertia into value and growth, delivering powerful solutions in the face of change.  

The 5 D’s


We believe that coaching must deliver measurable outcomes that meet our clients’ needs.  The first step is to define what outcomes you need from the coaching, what impact achieving them would have and how success will be measured.   Aligning coaching outcomes with the needs of the business ensures that our work together is of value and targeted where it is best needed.  Your investment in us is an investment in your future.


To reach a destination we must understand where we are starting from.  The discover phase identifies what is presently happening in your business or team and why.  We will gather information through a range of diagnostic exercises. These are supported with interviews or team interactions and by examining existing resources held within the business.   We are masters at identifying what has been unspoken and what is being stepped over, hidden or unseen. 


Gather uses the information drawn from the discover phase to design interventions based on where your business is and where it wants to go. The design, number and format of these facilitated sessions will depend on a range of factors, including complexity, urgency, maturity of the team, and budget. We create what is best needed to fit each organisation.


We will deliver facilitated sessions in a format agreed with you. This can range from working with a combination of virtual or location based sessions over a period of weeks. The setting for these sessions can be at your offices, a neutral venue or online. Our sessions are safe yet brave spaces where all contributions are valued.  Challenges are encouraged to be aired and worked through in a calm and resourceful manner.

A typical intervention might involve:

  • venting - share frustrations and gathering learning from tensions in the team;

  • alignment - bonding the group around core values and purpose;

  • releasing – identifying blocks and missing pieces that hold back movement;

  • ideation - finding solutions to support outcomes and move forward to success.


Sustainable growth requires organisations to capture learning, embed and embody change. Our de-briefing phase is where teams and leaders can reflect on their outcomes, acknowledging their growth, new perspectives and new behaviours. Successes are assessed against client objectives to ensure accountability and return on investment.  Continued actions for deeper growth and development is explored.  Clients are left energised, confident and with clarity of actions and purpose.